The first Mass at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Roanoke, Alabama was held on January 28, 1950, by Father John King, CM. At the time, a parishioner’s house was being used as the church. In 1954, Father Paul Loeffler, C.M., purchased a house in Roanoke, which was renovated by parishioners and supporters including parishioners from Holy Family Catholic Church, in Lanett, Alabama.
As early as July 2013, Immaculate Conception parishioners began talking about the need for a new church. The mission home church in Roanoke had a capacity of 70-80 people. Bi-lingual Masses could not be held because the church simply could not house all the parishioners.
In May 2014, representatives from Immaculate Conception and Father Antoo Alapat traveled to Birmingham, Al to meet with Bishop Robert J. Baker and his consulters. At that meeting, the Immaculate Conception representatives informed Bishop Baker that 14 acres of land had been donated to build the new church in Wedowee. Prior to the start of construction, 2 more acres were donated. Following the presentation by the Immaculate Conception representatives, Bishop Baker granted the group permission to proceed with a plan to build a new church and a parish hall.
Bishop Baker approved the plans for the new church on November 21, 2014. A ceremonial ground breaking was held by Father Antoo Alappat on Sunday, December 14, 2014.
After months of planning, meetings, and decision making, actual construction of Immaculate Conception in Wedowee began in September 2015.
The final Mass at Immaculate Conception in Roanoke, Alabama was celebrated by Father Davis Kootalla on Sunday, July 3, 2016 with an English Mass at 10:30 am and the Spanish Mass at 11:30 am.
On Sunday, July 10, 2016, Father Davis Koottala celebrated the inaugural Mass at the new church. The first Mass was bi-lingual and the church was filled to capacity with English and Hispanic parishioners.
Parish Life